системы видеонаблюдения
видеокамеры и видеосерверы

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Например : AXIS T8124

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Описание: Комплект из камеры IS 221 и термокожуха Videotec Verso


Компания Eltex запустила серийное производство IP-камер для профессиональных систем видеонаблюдения.
Компания NSTOR объявляет о возможности размещения заказа на новые модели камер видеонаблюдения Ubiquiti.
Компания Axis выпустила надежную тепловизионную камеру Q1971-E, которая может обнаруживать и проверять объекты круглосуточно, 7 дней в неделю, независимо от погоды и условий освещенности и даже на объектах с низкой контрастностью.
Компания Canon анонсировала внутреннюю PTZ-камеру CR-N100 с разрешением 4K.
Компания Axis объявила об обновлении серии корпусных камер AXIS P13 новыми высокопроизводительными моделями.
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Sony FCB-H11

Доступен под заказ
Цена: 84426 руб

Описание: High Definition (2Mpix, 16:9), режимы HD/SD, оптический ZOOM 10x, освещенность 12 LUX, режим день/ночь

Артикул: FCB-H11


Continuing Sony's commitment to HD picture quality for applications that require dynamic, high-resolution images, Sony introduces the FCB-H11. This stunning HD camera block expands the application possibilities by incorporating a Day/Night capability resulting in a minimum illumination of 1.0 lx. This enables the camera to capture high quality colour images by day and clear, black and white images by night making the FCB-H11 a great choice for a wide range of security applications.

The FCB-H11 HD camera module incorporates a 1/3-type HD CMOS image sensor boasting approximately two-million effective pixels, and provides a 16x9 aspect ratio making it ideal for use with wide screen displays. The FCB-H11 camera module also features multi-format video outputs from SD to full HD (1080i), offering both system flexibility and high quality images. The FCB-H11 therefore is a versatile and flexible camera block that can initially be used in an SD system but allows easy migration to HD when you are ready. In addition, the FCB-H11 inherits many outstanding features from the Sony world-renowned FCB Series. With a 10x optical zoom lens, and 12x digital zoom the reach of the two million effective pixel resolution is maximised.

In addition, the camera includes other key features such as Picture Freeze Function, SPOT AE Function, and Slow Shutter. The FCB-H11 is ideal for applications such as inspection, video conferencing, cable TV broadcasting and point-of-view (POV) applications. Furthermore with the incorporation of the Day/Night function, the FCB-H11 achieves a minimum illumination of 1.0 lx by dynamically removing the infrared cut filter thus allowing the spectral range to extend into the near infrared. This capability is essential for monitoring, making the camera a great choice for a wide range of security applications in, for example, car parks, retail stores, and many others.

Image Sensor 1/3-type CMOS
Image Sensor (Number of Effective Pixels) Approx. 2.00 Megapixels
Signal System 1080i/59.94, 1080i/50, 720p/59.94, 720p/50, NTSC, PAL
Minimum Illumination (50%, Normal Mode) 12 lx (F1.8, ICR off)
1 lx (F1.8, ICR on)
Recommended Illumination 100 lx to 100,000 lx
S/N Ratio More than 50 dB
Gain Auto/Manual : -3 dB to +18 dB (8 steps)
Shutter Speed 1/2 s to 1/10,000 s, 21 steps
Sync System Internal
Exposure Control Auto, Manual, Priority mode (shutter & iris priority), Bright, EV compensation, Slow AE
Backlight Compensation Yes
Aperture Control 16 steps
White Balance Auto, Indoor, Outdoor, One-push, Manual
Lens F1.8 to F2.1
f = 5.1 mm (wide) to 51.0 mm (tele)
10x optical zoom
Digital Zoom 12x (120x with optical zoom)
Focusing System Auto, One-push AF, Manual, Infinity, Interval AF, Zoom Trigger AF
Horizontal Viewing Angle (1080p Mode) 50.0°(wide end) to 5.4°(tele end)
Horizontal Viewing Angle (720p Mode) 50.0°(wide end) to 5.4°(tele end)
Minimum Object Distance 10 mm (wide end) to 800 mm (tele end) 

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